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Nervous System


The nervous system is your body’s communication channel. The nerves send and receive messages that allow you to think, feel, process sensory information, and control movement. The nervous system is also responsible for emotions. Learning to manage negative emotions can help balance the nervous system. Essential oils can help calm the body, generate a positive mood, and support a healthy nervous system.*


• Diffuse recommended oils to promote a relaxing environment.
• Take select oils internally for nervous system concerns.*
• Use select oils topically to calm the nerves and ground emotions.
• Massage oils into neck and shoulders, or in a relaxing full body massage.

The nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and a complex pathway of nerves throughout the body. In addition to generating thoughts and feelings, the nervous system processes information supplied by the senses, regulates involuntary body processes, and allows the brain to control movements of the body. 

When you touch a hot pan, your nervous system communicates the painful feeling of being burned to your brain, which then tells your hand to quickly pull away. Without your nervous system, you could not reason, understand language, think, see, taste, smell, or feel. 

The nervous system is delicate and can be easily upset. Essential oils can support a healthy nervous system.* Imbalance of the nervous system can contribute to head tension, discomfort, feelings of anxiousness or stress, and many other daily struggles. 

There are many parts of the nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. This part of the nervous system receives information from your senses, stores memories, and generates thoughts and emotions. When you have a prevalence of peaceful, happy thoughts, you have a greater sense of possibility and happiness. There are many essential oils that can be uplifting and encouraging, such as mint and citrus oils, and that help you stay grounded. Blends in the Emotional Aromatherapy Kit can help you manage negative emotions and move back into a more positive space, so you can refocus on your goals.

The autonomic nervous system regulates functions you do not consciously control, such as heart rate, immune secretions, breathing, and blood pressure. Various stress related conditions are associated with elevated measurements of these vitals. The AromaTouch Technique is designed to bring alignment and peace to the whole body by affecting the autonomic nervous system. 

Some essential oils traditionally used to balance or calm the nervous system include Lavender, Bergamot, Cilantro, Frankincense, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Basil, Copaiba, Vetiver, and Wild Orange.*



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