Bring your whole self to work

Many career paths see people working in a setting where it may be possible, and preferable, to leave a part of yourself at the door when you arrive, and leave work. We may cover up a part of our personality at work, or internalise our work life at home. Whilst this is a healthy practice, it does beg the question; how can we bring our whole selves to work, whilst still maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

As doTERRA Wellness Advocates, we have a slightly different challenge. Some of you may work from home, making leaving work at work a bit more difficult.
So, what can you do to make sure you achieve a healthy work/life balance when you work from home?
1. Unplug at a designated time
With the use of technology becoming more and more vital in the success of your business, and being contactable at all times has become an expectation, unplugging has become more important than ever before. When you work from home, the line between “home time” and “work time” can quickly become blurred. This creates the need to unplug at a designated time each day to allow for a clear distinction between working and switching off.  
2. Release the fear of imperfection
Striving for perfectionism is admirable, but being hard on yourself if you fall slightly short can be destructive. People with perfectionist tendencies often find it hard to leave work at work, due to their inability to leave things unchecked. Letting go of perfectionism and not being afraid to make mistakes and learn from them is a crucial skill which will work to allow you to let go of work when the time comes.
3. Maintain your hobbies, regardless of how busy you get
When life gets busy, often the things we enjoy are the first to go. Whether it’s exercise, grabbing a coffee with your friends or catching a movie with your partner, spending time doing the things you love will allow you to clear your head and maintain a positive work/like balance. There is no such thing as “not enough time for me”.
Adopting elements or all of the above will assist you in achieving a productive work/life balance, therefore allowing you to bring your whole self to your work life, and your whole self to your home life.


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