The Importance of Connection

It’s fair to say that nothing can replace human interaction. This was evident earlier this month when over 4000 Wellness Advocates from around Australia and New Zealand came together at our 2018 you Convention to connect over our appreciation of essential oils. Despite new technologies that allow us to participate in online conferences and webinars, face-to-face interaction and human connection is still a crucial component in the growth of your business, and remains pivotal to building personal relationships.

Forming lasting connections allows you to have an enduring impact on those around you, so it’s no wonder that so many Wellness Advocates left the 2018 AU/NZ yōu Convention feeling moved and more connected than ever. 
One of the many incredible speakers to grace the stage, Dr Brannick Riggs, spoke to us about the power of touch. Dr. Riggs proposed that touch is language; the broadest spectrum of communication that can signal feelings and emotions. Touch has been found to improve trustworthiness and increase the likelihood of agreement. He gave examples of studies showing waitresses receiving larger tips after lightly touching the customer on hand or arm and NBA teams performing better when there is more physical contact between players, like high-fives and back-pats. Even more fascinating were the physiological changes after touching; reduced oxytocin levels, decreased heart rate and blood pressure, as well as a boost to the immune system.
Whether you are starting a conversation, asking an engaging question or shaking someone’s hand, do not dismiss the power of fostering a strong, trusting relationship.  

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