Striving for excellence, not perfection

If you’re like most people, you want to do the best you can. But when does trying to achieve perfection become a problem?

As we aim to make progress life and achieve our goals, it’s important to keep the ideas of perfectionism and excellence in mind. Striving for excellence can be extremely motivational and satisfying, while striving for perfection can leave you feeling demoralised and unfulfilled.
Both of these words sound pretty well-meaning and give the impression that you are trying to achieve good things. So what is the real difference? Excellence is defined as “the quality of being outstanding or extremely good”, so trying to achieve excellence means you are checking where you are at and trying to do a little better.
Conversely, trying to reach perfection implies that you are aiming for something that is so good that it can’t get any better. When you emphasise perfection too much, you may end up making mistakes.

“People need to learn how to accept their mistakes and failures and not use them to judge themselves in a very self-critical, uncompassionate way.” – Gordon Flett, Ph.D.

Once your mindset shifts to excellence over perfection and your goals realign to reflect this, there are a few pointers to help set yourself on the path for achieving excellence. 
Finding your Why. Understanding your WHY will give you a positive perspective on your pathway to accomplishing your goals. People look to you as a leader. Happiness and success are found when you have a grasp on why you are embarking on this journey.
Share your knowledge. Knowledge grows when it is shared, so having an attitude to help and serve others will help you on your growth path. By becoming a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, you have the opportunity to educate others about how to use essential oils to enhance wellbeing. Sharing doTERRA will allow you to expose yourself to new people and opportunities, as well as combine skills and experiences to generate new ideas.  
It’s the journey, not the destination. Getting dragged into the pursuit of perfection is damaging; there is always something that can be improved. Striving for excellence ensures your team will enjoy the results of your continued, incremental improvement every day.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle
Avoid getting dragged down by the thought of achieving perfection. Strive for excellence every day, and reap the rewards of your shift in focus through the achievement of incremental improvement.

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