Origin: a Latin derivative
meaning "Gift of the Earth."
Adam Barralet
Adheesh Piel & Santoshi Stone
Alice Nicholls
Angela Geen
Buffy Gill
Cherie Tucker
Dr. Martha Nessler
Feebee & Kevin Newlands
Helen & Mark Shaw
Jessie Reimers
Jo Worrall
Jocelyn Oades
Jodi & Mark Naylor
Jodie O'Neill
John & Paula Overbeek
Kery O'Neill
Kim Pauro
Mark Sheppard & Rani So
Michael Rothschild
Molly Wastney
Natalie Cutler-Welsh
Paul Ovens & Vanessa Jean Boscarello Ovens
Robyn Simon
Samantha Ebel-Brown
Shane & Caren Constable
Suian Luo
Tara Bliss