Congratulations on Reaching Double Diamond!

Paul and Vanessa-Jean Boscarello Ovens

Make your business a constant. “If your business isn’t repeatable and sustained, it can end up being a one step forward, two steps back scenario, which ultimately doesn't serve the highest good of all concerned.”

Understand your leaders. “Know the Whys and the passions of each main leader to help you harness the creative force and uncompromising belief in the destination.”

Know your tree. “Understand the idiosyncrasies of each branch in your Tree of Love because it is critical in order to know how to galvanise the collective efforts of the many rather than relying on the talents of the few.”

Pray and believe. “Through prayer and a powerful collective vision, each leader walks by your side, a force of love and manifestation. Day by day, these prayers are answered and miracles materialise. The impossible becomes possible as the magic of many realises that which one could never do.” 

“Any worthwhile pursuit requires discipline, which we define in the following way: discipline is doing what you know you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”

How have you learned to balance running your business and taking care of your family? 

We giggle when we hear the term balance, and joke that the only real way to get balance is to put it on your next LRP. It seems like an alien concept to most of the people who have a doTERRA business. In truth, Andy Goddard introduced us to a much more realistic concept: balance vs. depth. The concept is that instead of trying to apportion time across all the areas that are important for you (children, spouse, self-care, hobbies, etc.) in an effort to have balance, you simply aim for depth in all things. This means, be completely present and create "quality" interaction and experiences instead of “quantity” because quantity interactions and experience may not create such deep and lasting outcomes. 

We communicated with our children in regard to what we were planning and what was required, and they made the choice to be in on it. We chose Presidential Diamond as a family. The children were aware of the sacrifices we would all need to make to create a sustainable presidential Tree of Love. We were all excited and inspired by the results of the year, especially in being able to achieve Presidential Diamond every month. Just as it takes a collective effort to reach Presidential Diamond, it also requires the family to be all in. The journey is much more joyous when the gifts of grace are celebrated together.


How do you work together in your business?


We have found that harnessing and using both of our passions and talents helps us in each opportunity that presents itself. We look at the areas that each of us loves to work in and divide tasks that way. Then, we share the less favourable tasks so that not just one person is feeling inspired and the other doing administrative tasks. That has been helpful in keeping us both engaged.

Through experience, we have also found how to tell when team members need a certain type of support and how we can use our strengths to help them. For example, Vanessa is great with sharing product knowledge and getting people started with classes right away. She excels at helping people go from start to Silver very quickly. Once people hit Silver, Paul’s strengths shine through. Many of the people that hit Silver have not run a business before or have been out of the workforce for a while, and Paul’s experience allows him to offer direction, strategy, and one-on-one mentoring to the individuals in this stage that need help. 

Our dream is to help all of our main leaders reach Diamond or above along with others in our tree who desire that path. By reaching Presidential Diamond, we are able to help our leaders have the freedom that Diamond and Blue Diamond brought us.  As you become more intimate with your leaders’ Whys and their passions, the focus moves away from “I” or “me” and more toward your doTERRA family.  


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