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doTERRA Business Lingo

The doTERRA business is designed to help you succeed, but it may seem like a lot to learn at first. Enroller, Sponsor, PV, oh my! Learning so many important terms might seem overwhelming, and you’re certainly not alone. We want you to have everything you need to succeed, so we put together a handy reference guide to help make the doTERRA business lingo clearer.

The Business:

Builder: A Wellness Advocate who actively builds their own doTERRA business by enrolling new Wellness Advocates who will build their own businesses. Also occasionally referred to as a Distributor, but this is older lingo.

Downline: Another term for the organization or team that a Wellness Advocate has enrolled under them. This includes both Wellness Advocates and Wholesale Customers.

Duplication: A system used to build your business by having a set, easily repeatable plan to teach other builders on your team so they can then teach their respective teams as well.

Enrollee: A doTERRA member who was enrolled by an Enroller as a part of their team/organization. (see, Enroller)

​​​​​​​Enroller: A designation that entitles a Wellness Advocate to qualify for ranks (see, Ranks) and Fast Start bonuses in the compensation plan (see, Fast Start). Enrollers also enjoy the ability to choose a new Wellness Advocate’s Sponsor within their organization. An Enroller can also be the Sponsor of a new member (compare, Sponsor).

Follow up:  Checking back with someone to discuss their experience after having shared essential oils with them. This can be done through a personal visit, phone calls, text messages, or email.

Frontline: The enrolled members directly beneath you (both enrolled and sponsored by you) in your downline. Ideally, these are people that also want to do the doTERRA business and are actively building.

Leg Requirements: The rank that a personally enrolled Wellness Advocate must reach to become a qualified leg. (see, Qualifying Legs and Ranks).

Member: Anyone who has paid the doTERRA membership fee and holds either a Wellness Advocate or Wholesale customer account.

Organizational Volume (OV): Your team’s total volume, or your Personal Volume plus the Personal Volume of your entire downline. Includes one-time orders, Loyalty Orders, retail orders, and enrollment orders.

Personal Volume (PV): A value assigned to each product and is a separate total from the dollar amount of your orders. In some cases, the PV of a product will be the same as its wholesale dollar price, but not typically. Specific PV requirements generally need to be met to qualify for commissions and promotions.

Points/Product Credits: Non-cash-redeemable credits that can be used to purchase designated doTERRA products. Points are earned as part of the Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP), and at the discretion of doTERRA. No Personal Volume or Organizational Volume is associated with the redemption of points.

Qualifying Legs: A “branch” on your team organization that helps you reach a certain rank by meeting certain qualifications themselves (see, Leg Requirements). Only one Wellness Advocate per leg can contribute to the Upline’s rank qualifications.

Ranks: Designations or levels earned by and given to Wellness Advocates in the doTERRA compensation plan from Consultant to Double Presidential Diamond. Ranks are earned and determined each month by meeting certain volume and leg requirements.

Sponsor: A Wellness Advocate who has another Wellness Advocate placed directly underneath him or her in their organization (compare, Enroller). A member does not have to be sponsored by the same person who is their enroller; the two are often different.

Structuring/Placements: The strategic positioning decisions you make when you enroll people under you. You can either place them on your team directly under you (see, Sponsor) or under someone else on your team (see, Enroller).

Upline: The person who enrolls a Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer and places them in their downline becomes that person’s upline. The upline also includes those that enrolled the new member’s direct upline.

User: Someone who primarily uses doTERRA products for personal use, rather than sharing or building a business.

Wholesale Customer: A membership that allows an individual to purchase doTERRA products for personal use at doTERRA wholesale prices, but not build a doTERRA business. They do not have the ability to enroll other members beneath them or resell product.

Your Why: A common phrase used by Wellness Advocates to help someone determine their purpose for doing a doTERRA business.

Account Statuses:

Active: An account with order or commission history within the past six months.

Inactive: An account that has not placed an order or earned commissions for six months.

Suspended: A designation used when the account holder has signed a termination form, or a term used during account transfers before an individual can sign up again.

​​​​​​​Terminated: An account that has been inactive for 13+ months. This account will then drop out of the organization, and the downline of the terminated member will “roll up” to the next active Wellness Advocate in the organization.

Orders and Rewards:

Auto-Ship:  Another term for your monthly Loyalty Order. You can set your Loyalty Order to automatically ship to you on a designated day each month.

​​​​​​​Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP): This program provides rewards points/product credits for monthly purchases ordered on the program. When you participate, you will earn product credits that can be used to purchase doTERRA products for free. The longer you participate in the LRP, the more credits you can earn–up to 30 percent of your total monthly PV through your Loyalty Order purchases. Participation also provides access to special promotions like the Product of the Month (see, Product of the Month) and the compensation plan.

Loyalty Order: Your monthly, automatically recurring order that is part of the Loyalty Rewards Program. This order is completely customizable each month and a percentage of the PV on this type of order is rewarded back to you as points/product credit, when volume requirements are met.

Product of the Month. A special monthly promotion wherein a specific product is given to those who place a Loyalty Order of at least 125 PV before the 15th of the month.

Shipping Rewards Points (SRP): This program helps customers earn points/product credit that can be used toward future purchases. There are three different ways to earn these points:

  1. Place a one-time order online to earn 50 percent of shipping cost back in Shipping Rewards points.
  2. Place a Loyalty Order through Member Services to earn 50 percent back in Shipping Rewards points.
  3. Place a Loyalty Order online to earn 100 percent of shipping cost back in Shipping Rewards points.

Compensation Plan:

Power of 3 Bonus: A system of bonuses in the doTERRA compensation plan designed to help you build your team structure and prepare you to qualify for future ranks. Paid monthly, you can receive bonuses of $50, $250, or $1500. Each bonus is paid based on your structure and the amount of team volume. For more details, visit What Can I Earn?

Fast Start: A bonus earned by a Wellness Advocate, regardless of rank, through enrolling people in doTERRA. Fast Start is paid weekly on the Personal Volume from the orders a newly enrolled member places in their first 60 days. In order to participate in Fast Start, a Wellness Advocate must have a standing 100 PV saved to their Loyalty Order, and a monthly Loyalty order of 100 PV or more. For more details, visit What Can I Earn? 

Bookmark, save, and share this page so you and your team can refer to it regularly. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a are just learning the ropes, it’s never a bad time to brush up on the language to deepen your own understanding of the business.

​​​​​​​For additional questions about doTERRA business terms, lingo, acronyms, and more, contact doTERRA Canada Member Services at (800) 411-8151, and press 4 for the Canada Market.

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