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How to Better Use Enrollment Collections

Enrollment collections play an important role in your doTERRA business—but you already knew that! Building your business is centered on helping new customers and Wellness Advocates get the products they need to support their wellness goals, and enrollment collections are designed to make that as easy as possible. Each enrollment collection offers an introduction to some of our best products, and they come at a great value. Success and ease are already built into these collections, but there are still ways to more strategically utilize these tools in your enrollments.

Match the enrollment collections to their specific needs. If your enrollee wants to build a business or share doTERRA product with others, helping them become familiar with a variety of popular products is essential. Luckily, enrollment collections act as a fast lane to becoming a doTERRA product expert. Options like the Healthy Start enrollment collection and Healthy Essentials enrollment collection save the enrollee money while allowing them to experiment with many of our best-selling products.

On the other hand, if they are interested in doTERRA for personal use, it’s important to match the enrolment collection to their personal wellness goals. If they are looking for supplementation, suggest the Healthy Habits enrollment collection. If they are looking for products their whole family can use, the Nature’s Solutions enrollment collection might be the perfect fit.

Build their confidence in the products. Prior to making new enrollments, focus your one-on-one discussions and class presentations on educating others about products that are included in enrollment collections. Especially when you can personalize the conversation, identify a few main products from a collection that you know will benefit your potential customers most. Give them a clear and specific idea of how each product will help improve their lives. When they already feel informed and excited about products they see inside the collection, they’ll likely feel more confident in enrolling with that option.

Emphasize the savings and the extra benefits. Enrollment collections offer incredible customer value, and not only because they save customers money by waiving the new member enrollment fee.  Also included with each collection is an educational brochure to help the new member learn how to use their new products, as well as a code to connect them with useful online resources. These benefits add tremendous value even to the more modest introductory options like the Simple Solutions enrollment collection.

Whatever your business goals or their wellness goals, our enrollment collections are designed to make doTERRA dreams happen. Maximize the potential of these enrollment collections by following the tips in this post, or share your own enrollment expertise by sharing this post to Facebook! Don’t forget to tag us (@doterrabusinessca).  

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