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How to Use a Whole Bottle of Adaptiv™

Adaptiv™ essential oil is a purposeful blend that combines bright citrus and fragrant floral notes to produce a calming aroma when your to-do list is piled high. Both soothing and sweet, this aroma can have your back in so many different settings, using your whole bottle by the end of the month will be like child’s play.

Every 15 mL Adaptiv bottle contains approximately 250 drops of essential oil. We came ready with our best suggestions for using this aroma to support you all month long.
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  • Midday Pick-Me-Up: Gently apply one drop of Adaptiv essential oil to your wrists for a tranquil midday pick-me-up aroma to help you conquer the rest of your day.
  • Total: 30 drops
  • Massage: Apply one to two drops of Adaptiv oil to five to ten drops of Fractionated Coconut Oil as you massage the back of your neck and shoulders for a relaxing aroma as you relieve tension. Repeat daily or as needed.
  • Total: 15-30 drops
  • Morning Affirmations: Rub two drops of Adaptiv essential oil onto the bottoms of your feet for a calming, centering aroma as you repeat your daily morning affirmations.
  • Total: 30-60 drops
  • Bath with Epsom Salts: Add five drops of Adaptiv oil and a few small handfuls of Epsom salts to a warm bath for an uplifting and peaceful scent as you soak.
  • Total: 20 drops
  • Evening Meditation: Apply one drop of Adaptiv essential oil to your pulse points as you wind down during your evening meditation.
  • Total: 30 drops
  • Yoga Mat Spray: Combine distilled water with and 15 drops of Adaptiv oil to a glass spray bottle and spray on your mat for a supportive aroma to accompany your yoga practice.
  • Total: 15 drops
  • Work/Study Environment: Rub one drop of Adaptiv oil between your hands and breathe deeply, allowing the soothing aroma to create a calming environment as you work or study.
  • Total: 20 drops
  • Diffusion: When in doubt, simply diffusing Adaptiv essential oil blend can help create a supportive and calming atmosphere anytime you need. Diffuse one to two drops in your home daily, or as desired.
  • Total: 45 drops

There’s no doubt you’ll adapt quickly to the soothing, calming aroma of Adaptiv essential oil, so it’s always a good idea to keep an extra bottle on hand. It’s hard to get enough of this sweet, citrusy, floral oil as you use it daily. Share your favourite ways to use Adaptiv essential oil by posting on Facebook and Instagram. Don’t forget to tag us (@doterraca)!

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