Allowed Uses
Subject to the Conditions of Use and the current P&P, Wellness Advocates are permitted to use Allowed Content in the following instances:
- The creation and use of Sales Aids.
- The creation and use of a Computer or Telephone Based Media.
Subject to the Conditions of Use and the current P&P, Wellness Advocates are permitted to use Allowed Content, with written approval from dōTERRA, in the following instances: Apparel, use in Wellness Advocate name; use on buildings and signs; Merchandise, and use for any uncategorized purpose.
Conditions of Use
The Allowed Uses of Allowed Content are conditioned on the following:
a. Branding Guidelines and Media Specific Guidelines: Allowed Content may only be used according to the Media Specific Guidelines that may be found only on the Allowed Content page(s) of the dōTERRA website of the specific Local Market in which the Wellness Advocate is doing business.
b. Context and True Statements: Wellness Advocates may not use Allowed Content out of context, or infer meaning other than the express meaning of the Allowed Content, by the use of modifiers, additional text, or other content. All content must be true and accurate.
c. Claims and Representation Concerning dōTERRA Products: Wellness Advocates may not use, and dōTERRA does not support the use of, any content that violates federal, provincial, territorial, or local laws (see, Section 5).
d. Variations, Takeoffs, or Abbreviations: Wellness Advocates may not use a variation of the Allowed Content for any purpose, including phonetic equivalents, foreign language equivalents, takeoffs, or abbreviations.
e. Disparaging or Offensive Use: Wellness Advocates may not use Allowed Content in a disparaging, offensive, or injurious manner.
f. Best Light: All Allowed Content must be shown only in the best light, in a manner or context that reflects favorably on dōTERRA and its products.
g. Endorsement or Sponsorship of a Third Party: Wellness Advocates may not use Allowed Content in a manner that would imply dōTERRA’s affiliation with, or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of, any third party product or service, or any political cause or issue.
Additional Advertising Provisions
- Wellness Advocates may not answer the phone as “dōTERRA” or imply they represent dōTERRA or are more than a Wellness Advocate.
- No advertising may imply that a job or position is available at dōTERRA.
- No specific income may be promised.
- All media inquiries must be immediately referred to the Director of Marketing Communications for dōTERRA.
- No release shall be made to the news media or to the general public relating to the Agreement without the prior written approval of an authorized executive officer for dōTERRA.
- Upon request, any Sales Aid or other medium which the Wellness Advocate prepared, caused to be prepared, or distributed, which also contains any dōTERRA Intellectual Property or Content, must be immediately provided to dōTERRA. Wellness Advocates must retain a copy of all Sales Aids, or other advertising material which they distributed, for seven years from the last date of distribution.
- Wellness Advocates agree to release and discharge dōTERRA, and its successors, assigns, employees, and agents from any and all liability, monetary compensation, claim and/or demand arising out of or in connection with the creation and the use of any Intellectual Property of another, or of dōTERRA, including any claims for defamation or false representations.