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Falling for Florals Enrollment Promotion

​​​​​​​Through the month of October, new doTERRA members and the people who invite them have an opportunity to receive some fabulous floral rewards just in time for Fall. When a new member joins doTERRA with 100 PV or more, both they and their enroller will receive a free doTERRA Touch® Osmanthus—an exclusive essential oil featured only at dōTERRA evōlve | connection 2021.

Because this is such an exciting month to enroll, we’re offering an extra reward for enrollers. When you enroll three new members with orders of 100 PV, you’ll also receive a free doTERRA Touch® Jasmine with your free Osmanthus.

About Osmanthus

A base component of several all-time favourite doTERRA blends and fragrances, now enjoy the treasured aroma of doTERRA Osmanthus on its own for the first time.

The complex aroma of Osmanthus Touch is rich, sweet, and fruity with hints of apricot and pear. The comforting aroma of Osmanthus Touch can help create a calming environment, whether inhaled while meditating or practicing yoga or used during a massage. A timeless aroma that can also be worn as a personal fragrance, while the Fractionated Coconut Oil in doTERRA Touch Osmanthus helps hydrate the skin.

Promotion Qualifications

New Members:

During the month of October, join doTERRA with an enrollment order of 100 PV or more, and you’ll receive a free doTERRA Touch® Osmanthus.

When will I receive my free product(s)?

  • Canada Enrollment Orders: Your free doTERRA Touch Osmanthus will be included in your enrollment order when it is delivered.
  • Canada NFR Enrollment Orders: Because the product for this promotion is being shipped from Canada, it cannot automatically be included in your NFR enrollment order. Instead, your doTERRA Touch Osmanthus will be sent in a separate shipment from Canada within 5 business days of the promotion ending.  

How many times can I qualify for this promotion?

You can qualify for this promotion once, at the time of your initial doTERRA enrollment.

Existing Members (Enrollers):

During the month of October, enroll at least one new member that orders at least 100 PV, and you will receive a free doTERRA Touch® Osmanthus; enroll three new members that order at least 100 PV, and you’ll also receive a free doTERRA Touch® Jasmine.

When will I receive my free product(s)?

  • Those who qualified will receive a promo code via email within five business days of the promotion ending. You can then add this promo code to any future order placed through the Canada Warehouse before December 31st to receive the free product(s).  

Will I receive a free doTERRA Touch Osmanthus for every enrollment I make in October?

No. You will receive one doTERRA Touch Osmanthus for making one or more enrollments in the month of October.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will this promotion last?

  • October 1 – October 31, 2021

Can my new enrollee place multiple orders that add up to 100 PV, or does it need to be a single order of 100 PV? 

  • If your new enrollee’s enrollment order is under 100 PV, they can place an additional order in October to qualify you and themselves. Once the additional order is places, both the enroller and enrollee can contact Member Services to receive their free product.

What markets are participating in this promotion?

  • Canada

Do international, NFR, and GAC enrollments count?  

  • Only Canada and Canada NFR enrollments are included in this promotion; GAC, and international enrollments are not eligible.

What if my new enrollee returns part of their order and it drops them under 100 PV?

  • The new enrollee will need to place an additional order in October to put their total PV over 100.

What is the difference between price and PV?

  • PV is not the same as the dollar amount of the order. Although some products have PV and dollar amounts that match, this does not mean that PV equates to the dollar amount of the products. Please review your PV amount before processing your order.

How long do I have to redeem my free product(s)?

  • Promo codes expire December 31st, 2021.

How will I receive my promo code?

  • The promo code will be sent via email to the email address saved on file within five business days of the end of the promotion period.

Can I email in my new enrollment?

  • Yes. You may also call Member Services at +1 (800) 411-8151 or use the Live Chat feature on

I'm getting an error during the enrollment process. What can I do?

  • If you are experiencing an error during the enrollment process, please contact IT at, Member Services, Business Advancement team, or your Account Manager.

 My credit card is being declined. What should I do?

  • If your credit card is being declined, make sure you have entered the correct postal and security code (found on the back of your card). If the problem persists, please contact IT at, Member Services, Business Advancement team, or your Account Manager.

How do I know if my enrollment has been placed and processed?

  • An order confirmation email will be sent to the email address listed on your dо̄TERRA account.

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