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March Mindfulness


At the start of the New Year, we all made new goals for ourselves. As the year gets underway, sometimes we feel discouraged when our plans don’t work out exactly how we envisioned. But don’t forget that the year is still young! That’s why March is the perfect time to stop, take a deep breath, and do a little reflecting.


How have you been doing on your New Year’s resolutions? What has surprised you most about your year so far? About yourself? What’s different now than when you started with your goals?


Questions like these are a great place to start. While we always want to make good on our intentions, it’s important to show ourselves a little flexibility when it comes to how we make that happen. Mindfulness is key to getting familiar with your abilities and limitations. That’s why we want to give you a couple tricks to help you stay in the moment this month and practice a little extra mindfulness in your life. 


  1. Gratitude Journal: It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by responsibilities and to-dos every day. That’s why keeping track of the good in your life and what you’re doing right is so important! Make a daily note of at least one thing that you are grateful for – a person, a thing, or something as simple as your favorite song! Don’t forget to show yourself some gratitude, too. 
  2. Meditation Time: Whether first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or at home in the evening, set aside 5-10 minutes each day for yourself. Resist distraction just for this short window of time by finding someplace quiet. Shut off your phone or put it in a drawer.  Next, focus on yourself – your thoughts, your breathing, your feelings. Take these few minutes for meditation, inhaling your favorite essential oil, or simply to make yourself a single cup of tea. This could also be the perfect chance for you to make an entry into your gratitude journal! 
  3. Celebrate Little Victories: Long-term goals are important, but what did you do today that was totally awesome? We can’t win the big picture without today’s little triumphs. Give yourself due credit and celebrate at least one thing you accomplish every day, no matter how small. Did you eat a healthy meal? Did you get an important errand done? Or did you simply make it out of bed? You deserve some recognition for these victories as well! As a bonus, record your daily win alongside your gratitude journal entry. At the end of the month, look back and marvel at everything you have accomplished! 


No matter what steps you take, make this month about finding your pace and celebrating your strengths. You can do anything you set your mind to, but don’t be so fixed on the end results that you overlook all great progress you make along the way! Stay mindful of yourself, breathe deeply, and do your best today. All great things happen one day at a time.

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