How to Grow With Social Media

The benefits of social media are vast–it is an easy way to connect with people around the world. You can find people who have common interests and spread the message of doTERRA® to an extent that would be impossible otherwise. If you’re more of an introvert, social media can help you begin to reach out to people outside of your comfort zone. However, if you don’t know how to appropriately use it, social media can actually turn people away.

Here are some ways to make sure you are maximizing social media to your benefit:

Begin by making a professional page.
The sooner you start to separate your business from your personal page, the better. It prevents you from overwhelming people with information they don’t want. Your friends want to see your personal updates and can join your business page if they are interested, but they don’t have to. Also, people who don’t know you but want to learn about essential oils will be able to follow your business page without having to their feed cluttered with pictures from your latest vacation.

Follow the 80/20 rule. On any platform you use, keep your business account 80 percent business or product-related. But, people will still want to know that you’re human, so you do need to include some personal things like a picture of yourself—especially your profile. Have an about me section where you share a little about who you are and why you love the oils. Occasionally share related personal experiences. Follow the 80/20 rule on your personal page too: 80 percent of the time talk about your personal life, and limit 20 percent of your time to things that are related to doTERRA.

Keep it genuine. Anything you post must be practical, relatable, and genuine. Only share things that your friends or your target audience would find interesting. Share especially how you are using the oils in your daily life. Make sure that your content is focused on the how, what, and why of essential oils. Do it in a natural way, just like you would share any other product you loved with your friends.

A word on branding. Your cover photo for whatever platform you use should be focused on branding. This is just a fancy way of saying that you need to make a statement about who you are or what your business stands for from the start. Take inspiration from yourself. Do you love yoga? Are you a parent? Are you a chef? Make your cover photo something that would bring in the people you want to attract.

Last piece of advice, don’t push people. Think of the people you meet outside of the world of the internet and then treat each person you interact with online as if you had met them in person. Make it natural. If someone mentions they are not feeling their best, ask questions and then suggest something. Be a friend, not a salesperson. 

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