Spark The Vision

“Vision without action is merely a dream.
Action without vision just passes the time.
Vision WITH action can change the world.”- Joel A. Barker
The best leaders know that they cannot lead unless they can inspire. People get involved in doTERRA because they appreciate what the product can do for them and their families. They feel inspired by the products and the core values of the company, which then leads them to take steps to build their team and consequently doTERRA business. But, sometimes, all you need is someone to believe in you, to guide you in moving forward.
Here are our 5 tips to help you be the best leader you can be:
  1. Have a vision for yourself. You must work on yourself before you can inspire and lead others to take that journey themselves. You can only lift people to the level you are at, so taking the time to map out where you are going, and understanding your why and how you’re going to get there is the first step. You do not need to be perfect, but this shows your team that continued improvement goes a long way.
  2. You can’t make someone else see your vision. Instead, try to help them create theirs. Ask questions about what is important to them, what makes them excited about life, and why they want to achieve their goals. Find out who they are as a person! Once you show that you are dedicated to helping them achieve their goals, you can also involve them in yours. There is no I in T.E.A.M.
  3. Be the voice of encouragement. If you can tell someone that you believe in them and what they are doing, that can help jumpstart a journey. Often people have a lot of self-doubt to overcome, especially when they are starting out; but if they know that you have confidence in them, they start having confidence in themselves. Inspiration feeds inspiration, spark confidence in one person and you will start to see your team following in each other’s footsteps.
  4. Ask what their first step will be. This is important in getting someone to see what they can do and achieve in the short term. If they have no idea, make suggestions, but don’t overstep. People will feel more motivated to achieve something when it comes from their heart and their dreams. 
  5. Tell them that everyone goes through highs and lows. It may seem counterintuitive to tell them that they will have struggles, but in reality it’s just being open and honest with them. This way, when they do hit a wall they won’t panic, because they understand it is a part of the journey. They will know that they can turn to you for support, guidance, and someone to help them work through it.
Let’s spark the vision, take action and inspire others to be the best leaders they can be!

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