Creating a Vision Board

Creating a Vision Board

We’ve all heard that having a goal without a plan is just a wish, but sometimes figuring out your plan to get to your goal can seem overwhelming. A vision board is a creative way to start reaching your goal by first figuring out what it is you want. It will help you establish a clear why and remind you of it every day. From there, you can establish a day-by-day routine that will help you to build your business and your life in the way that you’ve already visualized.  
Here are some basic instructions on how to start your vision board:
1. Ask yourself the important questions. Why are you doing a doTERRA® business? What do you want to accomplish in your business? What kind of lifestyle do you want to create for your family? What difference do you want to make in the world? Ask yourself these and other questions to determine what your ultimate vision is for your business and your personal life.
2. Gather supplies. Find a board you can organize your images on and grab some scissors, glue, and images. You can use photos you have of your friends and family as well as pictures from magazines or the internet. For now, don’t worry about finding the exact images you want to use, just begin to collect what appeals to you. (Don’t forget to cut out words that stand out to you too.)
3. Find the right images. Sort through the images you have and pick out the ones that apply to what you’re aspiring to do now. Don’t throw out the images you don’t use–they may be useful later on for another vision board when you need to set new goals. 
4. Go through a “dry-run” first. Take your chosen words and images and then organize them on the board in different ways until you find the look that you like. Then glue away until you have the finished product.
5. Display your vision board where you will see it.  The best part of the vision board is having that constant reminder of what you want out of life. Make sure you place it somewhere you can see it every day. You can track your progress by it, and use it to keep you going forward even on those tough days.   

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