doTERRA Healing Hands: Philippines

An example of damage caused by Typhoon Haiyan

PHILIPPINES relief efforts

The doTERRA® Healing Hands Foundation™ teamed up with our charity partner Mentors International to assist in their relief efforts in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan. The funds we donated were used to provide 60 families with building materials to fix and rebuild their homes and to purchase food, household items, and basic medical supplies for 138 families in Tacloban.

The Healing Hands Foundation also assisted Globus Relief by helping to pay for the shipment of a large container of medical supplies to the affected areas. Globus worked with an organization called Charity Vision to help facilitate distribution of the supplies to those who were most in need.

We also worked with an organization called Mercy in Action, a non-profit group of midwives providing free midwifery and other health services directly to the communities most affected by the typhoon. We donated 16 Family Physician Kits to their clinic located in Dulag, Philippines. The founder and leader of their group, Vicky Penwell, has been actively using doTERRA essential oils for some time now and has provided training to the other midwives in the clinic. The oils came at just the right time as there was so much need shortly after the typhoon. The clinic has been operating in the Philippines for 23 years.


Chiquimula Project

At our 2013 convention, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation committed a legacy donation of $100,000 to Mentors International to be used to create a new lending fund in the city of Chiquimula in central Guatemala.

With the help of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, the lending fund has 210 active clients and has disbursed $81,000 in loans, with nearly perfect recovery of the loans. In this area, we have blessed the lives of approximately 800 members of the families involved, and we have generated approximately 300 new jobs during the planting and harvesting season.

The families of the clients are grateful for the blessing Mentors Guatemala has brought to their region, since they are in forgotten areas and no other institution has come before to offer support. It is not uncommon to see some of our clients with tears of happiness rolling down their faces for having received these loans.

Mentors Guatemala is blessing the lives of 4,400 active clients currently. Of these families, 800 are now in Huehuetenango where doTERRA provided a wonderful service project last year of 35 IPCs and 50 local residents who helped refurbish an elementary school where the children of many Mentors clients attend.

To make a donation or to find more information about these projects and for updates on upcoming projects such as the Ghana Deseret Hospital Project and the Cajamarca Hospital Projects, please visit

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