Hair Detangler

There are few things worse than tangled hair—it can often lead to a tender scalp and lots of unnecessary hair stuck in your brush. Detangling Spray is a great way to get your hair tangle-free. Marshmallow root and apple cider vinegar are natural detanglers and essential oils add additional benefits to help keep your hair healthy and beautiful.
12 ounce or larger spray bottle
1 ½ cups distilled water
3 tablespoons marshmallow root
½ cup apple cider vinegar
5 drops Rosemary oil
5 drops Geranium oil
  1. Boil water and marshmallow root in small pan.
  2. Reduce heat and let simmer 20–30 minutes.
  3. Let cool slightly and strain through cheesecloth or wire strainer.
  4. While warm, pour into bottle and add conditioner, apple cider vinegar, and essential oils.
  5. Shake until combined.
  6. To use, spray generous amount on wet hair and comb through.

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