dōTERRA On Guard Hand Cleansing Gel

Hand cleansers are a convenient, on-the-go solution for cleansing your hands when soap and water are unavailable. This homemade version will not only cleanse your hands, but moisturize them too.

5 tablespoons aloe vera gel
4 tablespoons water
¼ teaspoon vitamin E oil
8–10 drops doTERRA On Guard

Note: Essential oils can be stored in plastic containers if the essential oils are highly diluted. Make sure they are high quality if you do use plastic containers.


  1. In bowl combine aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil.
  2. Add eight to 10 drops of doTERRA On Guard Protective Blend to aloe vera mixture.
  3. Add water and mix well to combine. Add more or less water depending on the consistency you want.
  4. Pour into container.
  5. Place your homemade hand cleanser in your bag, car, or office for an effective, alcohol-free hand cleanser.

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