Essential Oils and Your Exercise Routine

Whether you are team sports player or a regular at the gym, essential oils can be a great addition to improve your workout. Below are some ways to incorporate essential oils to different parts of your exercise routine.


Warm Up – Warm up is essential for a work out as it prepares the body for movement; muscle building and exertion, in turn helping us avoid injury. Massaging essential oils topically during your warm up routine can help loosen and soothe the muscles, preparing them for the workout ahead. Essential oils such as Black Pepper, Cinnamon Bark and Clove are great for warm up routine. However, always remember to dilute before use.


Work Out – During actual work out sessions, proper breathing and staying alert is essential. Using oils that can help promote feelings of clear airways are great in helping you complete your workout smoothly. Consider applying essential oils such as Breathe to the chest or neck before your workout. If you are able to diffuse some oils for a yoga session, Balance would be a great suggestion for grounding.


Cool Down – Just like warm up, cool down is also a key element to a successful workout. Similar to warm up, essential oils can be used to calm the body and to soothe affected areas after exercise exertion. Apply oils such as Deep Blue and Peppermint for that additional cooling sensation after workout.

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