Great and Easy Oils for a Safe Home

 If you are looking for a great start-up kit for essential oils, the dōTERRA family essentials kit is just the one for you! Containing 10 of the great must-haves in essential oil, it is a great set to have at home to address all your daily essential needs!


Lavender With a distinct aroma and countless applications, Lavender has been used for centuries. It can be found in various skin care products and is great at easing feelings of tension when diffused. The versatile properties of Lavender essential oil make it a dōTERRA favourite, and a must-have oil to keep on hand at all times. 


Lemon – With a clean, fresh, citrus aroma, Lemon is known for its purifying properties. Often found in cleaning products and air purifiers, Lemon has distinct cleansing and deodorizing characteristics that make it one of dōTERRA’s top selling oils.


Peppermint Energize your day by diffusing peppermint! Used commonly in toothpaste for oral health, it is also great to help alleviate occasional stomach upset. Peppermint continues to be one of the best-selling favourites among dōTERRA essential oils.


Tea Tree Known for its purifying qualities, it can be commonly found in skin care products. Diffusing Melaleuca (Tea Tree) also helps purify and freshen the air.


Oregano Oregano oil is one of the most versatile and powerful essential oils. Oregano oil possesses a high concentration of both carvacrol and thymol, two phenols with powerful cleansing properties. Because of Oregano oil’s high phenol content, caution should be taken when diffusing or inhaling—only one or two drops are needed. When applied topically, Oregano oil should always be diluted with dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil.


Frankincense Renowned as one of the most prized and precious essential oils, Frankincense has a variety of notable uses and benefits. Its soothing and beautifying properties are used to rejuvenate skin and reduce the appearance of imperfections. As the king of oils, when inhaled or diffused, Frankincense promotes feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction, and overall wellness.


Deep Blue – dōTERRA Deep Blue is a powerful and effective natural blend designed to help soothe tired muscle and joints. It is perfect for a calming massage after a long day of work. Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, and Osmanthus work together to soothe and cool. After long hours on the computer, try rubbing Deep Blue proprietary blend on your fingers, wrists, shoulders, and neck.


dōTERRA Breathe – One of the dōTERRA’s most popular oil blends, dōTERRA Breathe is known for its ability to maintain feelings of clear airways. Enriched with a series of oils that help cool and invigorate, promoting feelings of easy breathing. dōTERRA Breathe is a blend of Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Lemon, Cardamom, Ravensara, and Laurel Leaf that emits an airy and fresh mint aroma.  


DigestZenDigestZen is well known for its ability to support healthy digestion and soothe occasional stomach upset. This unique blend contains Ginger, Fennel, and Coriander to help ease occasional stomach discomfort, including motion sickness and indigestion, while Peppermint, Tarragon, Anise, and Caraway help support a healthy gastrointestinal tract. DigestZen is great to have on hand when stomach upset occurs and is safe and effective. This powerful blend can be used aromatically or topically, and is great for at-home or on-the-go use.


On Guard – dōTERRA On Guard, a proprietary essential oil blend, provides a natural and effective alternative for immune support. As one of dōTERRA’s best-selling blends, dōTERRA On Guard protects against environmental and seasonal threats with essential oils known for their positive effects on the immune system when applied topically. This essential oil blend has an energizing aroma that is warm and spicy. When diffused, dōTERRA On Guard helps purify the air, and can be very energizing and uplifting.

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