Keeping Flu Bug at Bay

With bugs like HFMD and flu becoming common, here are some tips to help you and your family prepare for this annoying flu season!

Keeping Surroundings Clean
Nothing beats keeping your surroundings clean to keep the germs from loitering. This is especially so if you have toddlers that tend to put items in their mouth. It is also important to keep the air at home fresh and clean. Diffuse On Guard or Purify at home to help purify the air and create an uplifting vibe for you and your family.


Healthy Lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise not only helps you be less susceptible to being sick but keeps you looking and feeling great too!

Washing Your Hands Often
No matter how old you are, we come in contact with people daily. Washing our hands frequently can keep us from catching germs, or worse, bringing germs back home.


With the flu season in pace, the chances are you may still catch a flu even with all the precautions. So should a flu bug hit you, Breathe is always a handy oil to keep in the bag to help ease that stuffy nose!

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