All About Cedarwood

What Plant It Comes From and What It Does

With the botanical name of Juniperus virginiana, doTERRA Cedarwood essential oil comes from a tree more commonly known as the red cedar. The wood is steam distilled, the oil is collected from the distillation, and then it is bottled allowing us to enjoy and benefit from it.

The red cedar tree is able to withstand extreme climates, and can tolerate most soil types. This ability may come from the cold, high altitude climates cedar trees are natively from. Depending on soil conditions, the tree can reach anywhere from 16 to nearly 100 feet high. It is also a species with an unusually long lifespan, with some trees reaching 900 years old.

The Tree of Life

Essential oil from different varieties of cedar trees has a rich historical past. The cedar of Lebanon is thought to be one of the first essential oils extracted from nature. The Sumerians regarded the cedar tree to be the Tree of Life. Ancient tribes believed God held the energy of the Cosmos on earth in the cedar and that the wood was sacred, gifting those worthy with power, greatness, and immortality. The Egyptians incorporated it into their embalming rituals. The Phoenicians and Assyrians even used cedar to build fleets of ships.

From Insects to Wisdom

With its ability to ground and calm the mind, Cedarwood not only makes the perfect essential oil to calm emotions; it also relaxes you while boosting confidence and vitality through its rich herbaceous and camphoraceous scent. Not to mention, it also makes a handy chemical-free insect repellent.

One might sense a kind of power in the cedar in the way it benefits the mind and body. Cedarwood essential oil has the ability to calm strong emotions—like anger, providing a balance, which eases stressed and anxious thoughts. It is said to improve focus and establish wisdom, making it the perfect gift for your 13-year-old.

Cedarwood blends well with Bergamot, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Thyme, and Vetiver.

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