De-stress Your Mind

With our constantly busy schedule, it is always good to be able to find some pockets of time to step back, take a deep breath and find ways to help calm our minds. Here are a few ways that you may find helpful:

If you are feeling overwhelmed by everything that is happening around you, perhaps finding a time to meditate will help you create that sense of balance. Rub Melissa essential oil on your forehead, shoulders and chest to help promote the feelings of calmness or simply apply Balance to the bottoms of your feet before you start your meditation. You will be surprised how a little bit of meditation time can help you clear your thoughts and enjoy the peace.

Regular Exercise
If regular exercising is not already in your daily schedule, you should be considering this to help keep your life in balance. It can be something as simple as a short stroll after work while listening to your favorite music. Support a healthy exercise regimen with the correct essential oils. Deep Blue diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil is great for soothing your knees before and after exercise.

Positive Attitude
If anything were to work in de-stressing, you would definitely have to believe it whole-heartedly. Having a positive mind is the key to de-stressing. To be able to offload the stress, you first have to want to do it. Essential oils such as cheer and motivate are great in helping to uplift the mood when you are feeling buried in stressful emotions.

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