Getting Ready for Exams

Exams are drawing near! Often times, we can feel lost on how to help our children as they prepare for their important assessments for the year. We have drawn out some helpful tips that we as parents can help our children as they prepare!


Maintaining a Healthy Diet
It is important to stay at the top of your game right before the exams. Being sick is the last thing you would want, right before an important exam. Ensure that your child has a well-balanced diet to keep the annoying viruses away. Diffusing On Guard at home can also help purify the air and protect against environmental threats.


Sufficient Sleep
Good quality sleep is essential in staying healthy and keeping you energized for the next day. A schooling child should at least get about 9-12 hours of sleep daily. So even though there may be mountain loads of revisions, do remind your child when it is time to get off to bed to get the much-needed sleep. Diffuse Lavender and  doTERRA® Lavender Peace to help your child with good quality sleep after a long day of revision.


Focusing on Revision
Revision may become intimidating when you need to revise for a whole year’s worth of learning. Help your child stay focus with InTune® roll-on. Simply apply them to the temples and the back of your neck when you feel tired or losing focus. Did you know that Cypress is also a great oil to have when you are feeling low on energy? Not only is it good for skin, but diffusing Lime also helps to renew and uplift the senses.


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