Home Away from Home

Wherever you’re staying when you travel, you can use the essential oils you brought to create a clean and relaxed environment in your hotel room.


Wipe surfaces
Be sure to wipe any hard surfaces or commonly used items like the phone when you enter your hotel room. Hot water and a few drops of Wild Orange oil is great for wiping bathroom fixtures, counters, and doorknobs.


Diffuse Away
A familiar, calming scent is essential to settle down in your home away from home, especially when you bring along little kids. If you have luggage space, pack along a diffuser and diffuse the familiar scent you use daily at home. If you don’t have any favorite oils that you would like to diffuse, a little bit of Peppermint is great to start you off!


Soothe those knots
Holiday is also about relaxing. After a long day of walking around, wind the day down by making yourself a hot shower and adding AromaTouch® to end the day with a soothing soak.


Shoo Bugs Away
If outdoor is where you are going. Abit of Lemongrass and Terrashield® can make that outdoor stay more comfortable and less buggy!

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