Nightly Routine with Essential Oils

We all have a couple of things that we will routinely complete before we can get to bed. Here are some ways to incorporate your favorite essential oils as you do that.


Nice Warm Shower
With all the stress amounted for the day, you often want to come home and relax in a nice warm shower. Try incorporating oils in your bath, such as Cypress or Bergamot that not only great for relaxing but also awesome for skin! If you do not have a bathtub, adding essential oils such as Lavender into your shampoo or conditioner are also great options for silky smooth locks.

Pre-sleep Skin Regime
Most people try to complete their skin regime at the end of the day before going to bed. Try incorporating skin-loving oils such as Tea Tree, Frankincense, Red Mandarin or Lavender for that little extra skin soothing before bed.

Restful Sleep
If constant thoughts are keeping you up at night, diffuse essential oil such as Lavender Peace or Lavender to help you drift off to a good night’s sleep.

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