Getting My Child Oil-ed Up for School

Are you packing these handy oils in your kid’s school bags?

On Guard®
Spray On Guard onto your kids’ uniform or rub on the bottom of your child’s feet before they start their day in school to help protect them from seasonal and environmental threat.


Lemongrass/ TerraShield®
Rub or spritz Lemongrass or TerraShield on skin before going to school as a natural bug repellent.


doTERRA Breathe®
doTERRA Breathe is a great oil to carry along when the flu bug hits. Inhale directly or rub on chest to maintain feelings of clear airways and easy breathing while minimizing the effects of seasonal threats.


With a myriad of benefits, Lavender is a great oil to keep in your child’s school bag. It is great to soothe occasional minor skin irritations and can promote relaxation when applied topically to ease the stressful school day.

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