Best Essential Oils for Motion Sickness

Do you struggle with feelings of nausea or motion sickness?  

Nausea always seems to strike at the most inconvenient times. Whether you’re traveling by car or plane, some people are more prone to experience nausea caused by motion sickness. Fortunately, there are specific essential oils for nausea that you can use in these unexpected moments. Keep reading to learn about the best essential oils for motion sickness and how to use them. 

How to use essential oils for motion sickness

Using Ginger oil for motion sickness

This classic spice is one of the most highlighted essential oils for nausea related to motion sickness. Thanks to the chemical components zingiberene and sesquiphellandrene, Ginger oil is capable of reducing occasional nausea when it strikes. Don’t forget to slip this handy oil into your bag where it can be easily accessed.  

Using Peppermint oil for motion sickness 

When you have an upset stomach on a road trip, Veggie Capsules and Peppermint oil can help alleviate the issue. If you don’t have the oil readily available, you can also swallow one to two Peppermint Beadlets to help with the occasional stomach upset.  

Using DigestZen® for motion sickness  

If you experience queasiness on a road trip or a boat ride, fight the queasy feeling with DigestZen® Digestive Blend. Rub on stomach before you leave on a trip in order to combat the queasy feelings and enjoy the ride ahead of you. 
DigestZen® Digestive Blend Softgels can be kept in your purse or backpack for vacations and unexpected moments of discomfort.   

Other ways to use essential oils for motion sickness  

You can use the aroma of essential oils to calm the senses and soothe your emotions. Anytime you suddenly feel nauseous, or when preparing for trips or events where you might become nauseated, try applying any of the following oils topically to your skin:  
As you breathe in the soothing scents of these oils, it will promote a sense of calm and help you to be ready for the journey ahead. 


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