The Home SPA Experience

You may be too busy to head to a Spa amidst your busy schedule but there is always ways to bring the Spa experience back home! Here are some tips to creating a home Spa experience for some pampering at home.


Environment – Try opting for soothing lighting to create a calm relaxing environment as you take a break from a hectic day. You can also consider candles to help with the ambience should you not have any warm lighting installed at home.

Diffuse – Set the diffuser up with some calming essential oils. Oils such as Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Lavender Peace and Balance are great to calm tense emotions and help relax.

Music – Soothing music is also great to set the ambience right for a home spa experience.

Draw up a Bath – Lastly, a nice warm bath with some skin-loving essential oils is great not just to help soothe tense muscles, but also keep it smooth and supple. Frankincense, Lavender and Tea Tree are options you can add to your bath water for that extra skin pampering. Alternatively, you can also consider using the SPA body wash for a nice relaxing bath.

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