Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature's most powerful elements and share these gifts through our global community of Wellness Advocates.

Jenna J Krahn
Independent Wellness AdvocateWelcome to my dōTERRA website! I'm Jenna: a student of life, Yoga Teacher & Desire Map Facilitator, Horse Lover, Creative Entrepreneur, dedicated Essential Oils Junkie and creator of Embodied Essentials! My journey with dōTERRA began in March of 2010 after attending my very first Essential Oils 101 class taught by the most beautiful soul, Amber Sellers. I can't imagine what my life might be like today had I not gone to that class to learn more about oils and had I not taken the leap to get my very own Wholesale account. Not only have the oils and the LLV supplements dramatically changed my overall health & wellness, but the business opportunity has provided me with the freedom to pursue passions that may have had to wait on the backburner while I waded through my college years, trying to decide which direction to take my life. I am now married, living in the house of my dreams in the country with 4 horses, 2 dogs, and a baby on the way! My passion lies in guiding others to discover their true desires in life and to find the courage to live them fully. I love incorporating essentials oils in my work and feel they offer a solution for so many of the problems we face around stress, limited living, and our overall health & wellbeing. I can remember clear as day my excitement after receiving my very first dōTERRA order; and every month it's like I'm opening up that very first box of oils and dōTERRA products again and again. So why wouldn't I want to share that with others so that they can experience the same?? I'd love to help you get started on your own journey with dōTERRA. You have no idea what's waiting for you on the other side of that first box of oils. It could just change your life forever like it did mine. I love to put on in-person workshops teaching you how to use the oils and even making special recipe blends to take home with you. My workshops feature: Essential Oils 101, Animals & Essential Oils, Yoga & Meditation, Emotions & Essential Oils, Desire Mapping to a Fuller Life, and many more! You can check out my website https://www.jennajoelle.com/ for upcoming classes and workshops in the Stevensville/Missoula, MT area. I also offer online workshops and classes for those interested or who can't make a local event. All info can be found at my website above! Thanks for stopping by and if you have any questions, please reach out! I’m here to help.
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