Premier Club: Requirements

Launch to Premier Club-Schedule:

July August September to December
Qualify Apply/Prep Launch to Premier Club Season

Graduation Requirements for Participants to move from one month to another

  • Each Month:
  • 2+ personal registrations within India with orders of 100 PV or more
  • 5+ team enrollments in India with orders of 100 PV or more (team = you or those you hold enrollment of)
  • Account holder's personal minimum 100 PV LRP order should be completed by the 15th of each month.
  • Each Week: Hold at least 1 oil class, and one-on-one meeting and send verification of the class and one-on-one (picture) to corporate on email to

July – Qualification Month

  • Achieve your highest rank as Director-Elite in July 24.
  • Register 2 new members with 100+ PV orders.
  • Find an upline mentor, who will check in with you at least once a week during the club.

August – Application & Preparation month:

  • Short letter of recommendation from your mentoring sponsor which you can attach to the application.
  • Select mentoring sponsor & have them confirm support to corporate and attend weekly meetings.
  • Applications will be available during August via a google survey.

Best Practices after club kickoff Sept-Dec:

To prepare successful classes in Launch to Premier Club, you will need to be working with your upline and downline teams prior to the program starting. Planning, inviting, and following up (PIPES which is all part of the Empowered Success program) are the secrets to getting people to attend your classes and meeting the registration requirements. Here are the activities you will need to complete in the preparation month to be able to have a successful graduation at the end of Launch to Premier Club:

  • Prepare and plan your events month-by-month (set the dates of your classes and then work with your leaders to fill your schedule on those days).
  • Prepare your teams for scheduled classes in their areas each week. Classes can be held at home, one-on-ones, online, etc. The important thing is that you’re having meetings and getting in the habit of teaching and educating about the products.
  • Prepare your household – set up childcare, get your family onboard.
  • If you have any questions about the Program, please contact the Support Team via
  • Remember the ultimate goal of this program is to help you become solid premier. This rank is key for founders club, and is also the first rank where you need to really pay attention to the structure of your team, and get rewarded for doing so with the empowerment bonus.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” -Benjamin Franklin *

Qualified Classes:

  • Classes/events can be held anywhere in India, at home, individually, in groups, online, etc.
  • Take a picture of the class and send it to corporate.

Qualified Registrations:

For new registrations to qualify for free products and qualification requirements, the following requirements need to be met:

  • Registration order must be at least 100-200 PV on the same order, multiple orders adding up to 100 PV+ will not count.
  • The club participant must personally present, or participate in the presentation, where the new customer is registered. This will ensure you’re teaching your team good habits on how to hold classes and close sales.
  • The new enrollee must be enrolled by the participant of Launch to Premier Club, or one of the participants enrollee’s (first level team enrollments) to qualify for the free oils.


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