Identifying and Placing Team Members

One of the most important parts of building a doTERRA® business is structuring new Wellness Advocates within your team. When placing new Wellness Advocates, identify the activities they are or would like to be engaged in and place accordingly.


  • Loves doTERRA and wants to be a Wellness Advocate for themselves and their household.
  • Interested in learning more about the role essential oils play in health and wellness.
  • Willing to refer family and friends who show interest to a doTERRA leader for information.


  • Loves doTERRA products and wants to casually share essential oils with others.
  • Interested in earning enough in bonuses to pay for their monthly Loyalty Rewards order.
  • Willing to host or invite individuals to an event taught by a doTERRA leader.


  • Interested in replacing income through building a home-based doTERRA business.
  • Initiates and teaches classes to introduce others to essential oils and the opportunity.
  • Actively learns and uses the knowledge they’ve gained to support team members.

Builders should be placed on your first and second levels. Sharers should be placed on your second and third levels under Builders. Users should be placed on your third level under Sharers or where volume is needed. Often, Wellness Advocates who begin as Users quickly move into the role of a Sharer or Builder after experiencing the benefits of essential oils. Communicate regularly with your team to ensure they are receiving the correct support.

A Wellness Advocate has 14 calendar days after a new Wellness Advocate enrolls to move them within their organization.


When you place a personally enrolled Wellness Advocate directly under another team member, that team member becomes their sponsor. Sponsorship is important when referring to Power of 3 and commissions, which are based on structure. When you place a personally enrolled Wellness Advocate under a sponsor other than yourself, maintain enrollership. Enrollership is important when determining Fast Start and rank advancement.

Only give up enrollership when the sponsor has:

  • Shown their commitment and support to their team through teaching and mentoring.
  • Grown faster and stronger than the enrollee you are transferring to them.
  • Advanced in rank and needs the enrollership to reach a leadership level.

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