Healing Hands Foundation: Wellness Advocates Serve

Carry the Future


Motivated to Do

As a mom of two, Cristal Munoz-Logothetis couldn’t get out of her head the image of the Syrian toddler who washed up on a Turkish beach after his family attempted to flee their home to seek asylum in Greece. Cristal decided she had to do something about it. Her husband’s family lives in Greece, so Cristal set up an online campaign to raise $2,500 and 100 baby carriers to send there. Her plan was to have her family give them out to the refugees that had to carry their young children with them on their miles-long journey. In 72 hours, her campaign had gone viral. Today, her campaign, called Carry the Future, has had more than 6,000 carriers donated and raised more than $100,000.

doTERRA® Wellness Advocate Tasha Oakley from Lubbock, Texas, was invited by a friend to get involved with Carry the Future. A mother herself, Tasha was eager to support the cause.After attending the doTERRA convention in 2012, Tasha learned about the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation™ and the company’s mission to help those in need. She decided to enlist support from doTERRA for Carry the Future. doTERRA agreed to match up to $1,000 raised for baby carriers and to donate $500 of the doTERRA product of their choice to benefit the Syrian refugees in Greece.

Restoring Hope in Athens

Last November, Tasha was able to go with a group of nine people to Athens to deliver baby carriers to the refugees. Each volunteer brought four 50-pound suitcases filled with vacuum-sealed carriers. Tasha says, “We met the refugees at a port in Athens , and a lot of their faces looked like they had lost all hope.” The volunteers had learned a few phrases in Arabic to tell the refugees that they were giving them a free carrier from the United States and then showed them how to use it. A lot of people were skeptical at first that they were going to be ripped off, but once a few carriers were passed out and the refugees saw that they really were free, they became more receptive. Tasha says, “After we fit them with a carrier, they would walk off with a little glimmer of hope in their eyes.”

Once in Athens, Tasha and her group hardly slept. She says, “We always knew that there was another ferry coming in that could have up to 1,500 refugees on it and 30 percent of those were going to be children under the age of five. We knew they could all get a carrier and how much better their life would be once they had it.” They were able to hand out about 200 carriers a day. Several more trips are scheduled throughout the year, and a group is forming in Greece that can receive carriers that are mailed over as well.

The volunteers also try to bring some toys and stuffed animals that they can hand out to the children, since these families have lost everything. In order to get into the rubber rafts on the Turkish border, the families are charged $1,000 a person and are told they have to dump all of their belongings into the ocean in order make room for more people on the rafts. One eight-year-old girl told Tasha she had come home from school one day to find her entire street reduced to rubble. Her dad told her they would have to leave, so the little girl walked over to where her bedroom had been and found one toy, and that was all she took with her.

Other families told stories of losing loved ones when their rafts capsized on their way across. Tasha also saw an eight-day-old baby with vernix caseosa still on her skin because she hadn’t ever had her first bath. Her mother had delivered her on the side of the road and continued to walk for miles postpartum. Tasha says, “They’re humans; we’re humans. They’re just people trying to start their lives over, and we just need to help.”


Want to donate?

If you would like to support Carry the Future and other Healing Hands Wellness Advocate partner projects, go to doterrahealinghands.com, click on “Donate Now,” and use the convenient PayPal tool to make your charitable donation. You will automatically receive a 510(c)(3) donation receipt and 100 percent of your donation will be used to support humanitarian relief efforts of the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation.

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