Living the doTERRA Lifestyle

Marty Harger, doTERRA® Diamond, caught the travel bug at an early age as her parents encouraged her and her siblings to be independent and explore the world. After college, she moved to Utah to ski and found herself working in the ski industry, and eventually running the country’s largest ski vacation travel company. Shortly after, she married Jim, who shared her passion for world travel. She says, “Through our adventures and experiences we’ve seen differences and similarities in people from all over the world. We have developed an increased awareness and compassion for mankind. This attitude prepared us for what we are doing today in doTERRA.”

Inspired by past doTERRA essential oil sourcing and service trips, Marty developed a deep desire to encourage her team to join her in exploring essential oils. She says, “I wanted to recreate the interpersonal connection and lifelong friendships I made while traveling with small groups during early doTERRA incentive trips. I also wanted to recreate the effects of the life-changing Guatemala Healing Hands Expedition last year.”

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