The doTERRA Trio - A Must Have

Todd Julien's Daily Routine

A friend introduced me to doTERRA® about six months ago. I was willing to test essential oils out because, like many of us, I suffer from health challenges from time to time. My family and I use Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oils individually and in a blend as part of our daily routine. These oils alleviate a variety of issues and improve our overall quality of life. Here are a few examples of how we use each of these oils.


Lemon oil can be used for cooking and cleaning and to improve health. It can also help soothe an irritated throat. Last winter, I experienced some irritation in my throat. I gargled with Lemon oil in the morning. After about five minutes, the irritation began to dissipate. I repeated the gargling, and by the end of the morning, the discomfort was gone and I was able to enjoy my daily activities. Aside from the pleasant smell and taste, Lemon contains many beneficial properties and can be used for a variety of purposes.


My family and I have become huge fans of Lavender. This essential oil is wonderful for relieving occasional stress and promoting natural relaxation.* Lavender works especially well in preparing for a healthy and natural sleep. We apply a couple drops to our feet before we turn in for the night. We are always amazed at how quickly we slip into a deep, comfortable sleep.


Peppermint oil is versatile. One of my favorite ways to use Peppermint is to diffuse it. It creates a wonderful and purifying aroma. Applying a few drops of this soothing essential oil to the back of my neck is a great way to ease feelings of tension. I also use Peppermint oil for occasional indigestion.* When I feel discomfort coming on, I add two drops to eight ounces of water, and feel almost an immediate relief.

Trio Blend

Every spring, I experience seasonal discomfort. This year, I learned that the Lemon-Lavender-Peppermint trio can be used as a natural soothing agent.* When I feel the need, I add two drops of each oil to eight ounces of water, and let the blend do its magic. I can honestly say this has been a fantastic year for me. I am very grateful to have safe alternative choices in my family’s health care. I would encourage anyone to experience the amazing benefits of doTERRA.

Dave Whitworth's daily routine- Lavender

Lavender was the first essential oil my family and I used. Every now and then, our daughter Abby has a hard time falling asleep. We apply Lavender under her nose and on her neck to help her wind down before bedtime. My other daughter Brinley uses the oil for hangnails or occasional irritations she receives while playing. We knew right away that doTERRA essential oils would greatly benefit our family. Since then, we’ve been using Lavender as part of our daily routine.


Each of us uses Peppermint to relieve occasional upset stomach.* Our oldest girls use Peppermint beadlets to help them breathe easier.* The little ones do not appreciate the taste of Peppermint internally, but the rest of us love the beadlets for a breath freshener and a quick “pick-me-up.”


In our home, we use Lemon as a natural cleaning agent. My wife usually adds 10–15 drops of Lemon to an eight-ounce glass spray bottle filled with water to use for cleaning and removing buildup in the kitchen and in the bathrooms. Pure Lemon works well for cleaning up the sticky messes on carpets, clothes, and any other place our children decide to leave “tracks.” The oil fills our house with an uplifting and energizing aroma that everyone in the family enjoys.


doTERRA Lavender comes from highaltitude regions of France and is considered the best of the French fine lavenders.

doTERRA Lemon comes from coldpressed premium Italian lemons, and contains a wider concentration of active compounds than other varieties.

doTERRA Peppermint comes from peppermint plants grown and harvested in Washington state—these plants contain a higher concentration of menthol than peppermint grown in other regions of the world.


Use 1–2 drops of Lemon to remove oil, gum, grease spots, or glue.

Editor's Tip:

Use Veggie caps (Item No. 34100001) for internal use of the oils.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Federal Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

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