doTERRA Healing Hands™

Our Healing Hands Foundation seeks to bring healing and hope to the world as we work to make possible lives free of disease and poverty, ultimately teaching people everywhere to be self reliant.


The Healing Hands Foundation is involved in many different service projects worldwide. Legacy donations of $100,000 have been given to both Piura, Peru; and Chiquimula, Guatemala; to create new micro-credit loan funds. Such loans provide renewable funding for entrepreneurs in the community. Other humanitarian projects funded by the Healing Hands Foundation include building materials donated to families in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan, and constructing a new water system in Haiti, which provides villagers with clean water they do not have to boil. Also actively engaged in education and medical help, Healing Hands has helped revitalize and build schools in Guatemala and Haiti. For a medical center in Ghana badly in need of supplies, medical equipment and supplies were donated. In Bolivia, Healing Hands helped build an expansion of the Jalsuri medical center to better support the growing needs of the clinic.

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