Cō-Impact Sourcing® and the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation™ in Nepal

doTERRA and our partner, CHOICE Humanitarian, were already hard at work on a Co-Impact Sourcing initiative for Wintergreen essential oil in Nepal in April 2015.  When we learned of the devastating 7.8 earthquake there and its subsequent aftershocks, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation provided immediate help and asked for support from doTERRA Wellness Advocates through a matching contribution campaign. The response was incredible and $317,951.67 was donated, which doTERRA was honored to match. The combined donation of almost $636,000.00 has provided critical relief to the thousands of people in Nepal who lost so very much.

The doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund has provided for emergency relief supplies for the immediate needs after the earthquake struck and funded tarps and tents for temporary shelters and classrooms, as well as temporary homes and earthquake resistant permanent homes. Distillation units were rebuilt to help stimulate the economy and provide jobs once again, while an eight-classroom high school, a ten-classroom secondary school, and latrines were constructed.  The high school was the first permanent, earthquake-resistant school built in all of Nepal after the 2015 earthquake.  Additionally, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation has donated through Wellness Advocates projects to a community school in Thame and a health clinic in Baseri.

Families in Nepal are continuing to rebuild their lives. Thanks to donations from Wellness Advocates and the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, we are able to make a difference for many people throughout the world where help is so desperately needed. Thank you for the generous and inspiring support.

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