Chetanalaya Institute Helps Reduce Infection, Pain, and Post-Traumatic Symptoms in Nepal

From helping pregnant mothers reduce birthing infection to relieving physical and mental sufferings of earthquake victims, the Chetanalaya Institute is there to help.

The Chetanalaya Institution in Kathmandu, Nepal was organized to enhance the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of people in their community. Since its inception, the institution has created and participated in projects that support individuals of all ages and in different stages of life. Their programs focus on pregnancy, parenthood, education, and health for individuals. 

Earlier this year, the doTERRA Healing Hands Foundation donated resources to the Chetanalaya Institute to use in Nepalese birthing centers. Chetanalaya was able to use these products to help soothe the pregnant mothers and their babies in their time of need. Often times, the mothers in Nepal do not have the modern-day medical help that is available in most developed countries. Many Nepalese births take place in family cow sheds, or other less than ideal locations,1 and there are usually no specialized doctors to assist the birthing process. This type of environment can lead to a high risk of infection for both the mother and baby. In an effort to decrease infection and provide better care during pregnancies, Chetanalaya Institution brings in nurses to help with mothers and babies during pregnancy and administers sanitary supplies to help fight off viruses before and after birth.
Chetanalaya Institution also reached out to assist their community after the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal. The earthquake filled the air with large amounts of debris and dust which put the survivors’ health at risk. According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, "excessive inhalation of dust may result in disease."2 During that time, Chetanalaya worked hard to collect items that would help people in their community breath better and prevent infection from dust.
They also conducted Trauma Healing Camps where they worked with doctors to rehabilitate individuals who suffered physically and emotionally after the earthquake. Along with the physical pain experienced from earthquake injuries, the people of Nepal also suffered from mental and emotional pain including anxiety, sleeplessness, restlessness, and depression.3 Their methods of healing helped many people find hope and health after the traumatic earthquake.
The Chetanalaya Institution is continually caring for the needs of the Nepalese people and enriching the lives of those in their community. To find out more about Chetanalaya Institute or how to donate, visit their website.

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