
You’ve sent out the invites, established a time, and your location is ready to go. Now it’s time to prepare for your guests to arrive. When hosting a class, keep in mind these simple strategies to ensure both you and your guests get the most out of your sharing experience.

Hosting a Class/Agenda

  • Welcome your guests and give them a breakdown of the class schedule. Since you’re the host, you can do this yourself or delegate to someone else. The idea is to make sure everyone knows the purpose of the meeting and what they can expect.
  • It is the host’s responsibility to make sure the presenter knows what’s going on beforehand. Make sure that you inform your presenter how much time he or she has and the key points you want covered. When it's their turn, all you need to do is simply introduce them.
  • When the presentation is done, this is where you can let people sample and order any essential oils, and to sign up as new Wellness Advocates.
  • Take a few moments toward the end and plan out the next class. Invite the presenter up front and give them a gift. Extend an invitation for someone else to host the next class.
  • Provide your guests with resources, links to websites, handouts, and other essential oil information. 


Hosting a class means being organized. As you take on the task of hosting, you will want to keep your thoughts and ideas in line with your purpose. Checklists help you manage your time, delegate tasks, and track your progress. We’ve included a downloadable checklist at the bottom of the page to help you organize your classes. Remember, you can always add tasks and items that fit your needs.

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