Enroller vs. Sponsor

This information is available in English only.

It is important to understand the difference between Enrollers and Sponsors when building your downline organisation.


The Enroller is often the person that introduced the enrollee to dōTERRA. When you sign someone up under you, you automatically become their Enroller. As the Enroller, you can pick and assign the Sponsor of new members (until the 10th of the month following their enrolment month). Enrollership is important when determining Fast Start and rank advancement.

Enrollership belongs to the Wellness Advocate who contacted and shared doTERRA with a friend. If you bring a friend with you to a class or training session hosted by your upline, you will be the Enroller. Your upline can help you determine the best place for this new Wellness Advocate.

If the Enroller is not sponsoring the new enrollee, they will work with the Sponsor to determine who will follow up and support the enrollee.

Benefits for Enrollers

  • Receives Fast Start bonuses on their new Enrollee’s purchases for their first 60 days after their enrolment.
  • Benefits from Retail Profit Bonus
  • Enrollee counts towards Enroller’s rank advancement
  • The Enroller has the option to change the Sponsor of a new enrollee on or before the 10th of the month following their enrolment via mydoterra.
  • Always keep enrollership of your enrollee until it makes sense to transfer it to their Sponsor or another builder for rank advancement.


A Sponsor is known as the person under whom the enrollee is directly placed, also referred to as their direct upline. The Sponsor assists with follow-up needs, depending on arrangements made with the Enroller. Sponsorship is important when referring to Power of 3 and commissions, which are based on structure.

Benefits for Sponsors

Which Is Best For Me?

When you enrol someone new in your organisation, you have two options:

  1. Be the Enroller and Sponsor.
    • This is a good choice if you are just starting your personal business. This is especially beneficial if you are interested in earning Power of 3 bonus.
  2. Be the Enroller, but assign the Sponsor elsewhere.
    • This is often the best for Wellness Advocates who are expanding their personal business. This is especially beneficial if you are interested in building rank and the Unilevel Bonus.

Sponsor Changes

When you enrol someone new, you have until the 10th of the month following their enrolment to change the Sponsor of your new enrollee, if you wish to. This is a one-time change that can be made by the Enroller online through mydoterra.

For more information, see Sponsor Changes.

This information is provided in summary form for the convenience of the reader. To the extent it conflicts with the Wholesale Customer Agreement, or the Wellness Advocate Agreement and doTERRA Policy Manual (collectively, "the Agreement"), the Agreement is controlling.


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