Aurélia Dabon - AromaTouch Technique™ Trainer

Aurélia Dabon - AromaTouch Trainer

Aurélia Dabon


About Aurélia

I started my adventure with doTERRA at the end of 2018, and at the beginning, I was not interested in the AromaTouch Technique, because I didn't know the power of these oils. When I discovered their power, I wanted to receive the AromaTouch and took part in a Training. It was an incredible experience; my body and my mind were deeply relaxed. I had never experienced this with a massage before. It was both comforting, restorative, and I felt that on a subtle level it connected me to spiritual levels.

Why do you love the AromaTouch Technique?

It's such a simple technique! I like to receive as much as to give an AromaTouch because the oils act powerfully both on the giver and the receiver. I look at it as a dance for two. The hands accompany the oils to do their job, the touch creates a connection that celebrates the body. I always feel very honored to give someone an AromaTouch. It is an act of love.

Why would you encourage others to learn the AromaTouch Technique?

It's a great opportunity to take care of others and help them connect with their body, their heart, their soul. People need to be touched more than ever after the pandemic we have been through.

After having followed the training, you will be able to offer this technique as a ritual of "taking care" for your family, your friends, your clients. It's so transformative!

To let Aurélia know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here:   

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