Congratulations on Reaching Diamond

Marginean Ioana & Raul-Ovidiu


My story in doTERRA, started just like everyone else's.  

I wanted to try the oils for my kids and my family, as I was always passionate about natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle. Being a doctor helped me realize, over time, how important it is to help your body recover with minimum to none synthetic "help". Sharing with other people came so,so natural. I couldn't just keep to myself all the miracles these tiny bottles can make. My sister and I wanted to give all our knowledge to others, to educate and help as many people as we could, so we started our own facebook group. My success wasn't planned, or desired, it came as a bonus to all the hard work I made. Having two toddlers is difficult as it is, but having two toddlers and taking them at conventions, events, one on one's can be ,let's say, challenging. But the reward I get when receiving so many positive feedback, so many "thank you"'s along the way, is much greater than any setback I may have encountered. 

I am on a constant journey, discovering myself and others, taking advantage of my strenghts and weaknesses and doTERRA gave me the opportunity to find myself, to encourage people, to heal, to rise above my own limitations and to be close to my family, as I could never be doing anything else. 

I have met so many people since my journey started, I have made so many friends. I am more then gratefull for the quality time I spent with each and every one of them.  

My journey has just started. My biggest desire is to never stop rising, never stop helping, never stop learning, never stop exploring, never stop oiling. 

Valitse maanosasi

Valitse alueesi

Valitse sijaintisi

Valitse kielesi