Mairi Taylor - AromaTouch Technique™ Trainer

Mairi Taylor - AromaTouch Trainer

Mairi Taylor

United Kingdom

About Mairi

Mairi first started sharing doTERRA in July 2016 and then was introduced to the AromaTouch® Technique in August 2016. Here is what she has to say about the AromaTouch Technique: 

Why do you love the AromaTouch Technique?

I love AromaTouch because it gives me the opportunity to support my family, friends and clients with a rebalancing oil experience that is the perfect antidote to today's modern living.

Why would you encourage others to learn the AromaTouch Technique?

I would encourage others to learn the ATT because the ATT gives you a wonderful tool and technique to support those you love and care for through our gifts of the earth as well as providing you with other opportunities to use your oils to support yourself, your family and friends.

To let Mairi know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here:

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