Gemma Burke - AromaTouch Technique Trainer

Gemma Burke - AromaTouch Trainer

Gemma Burke

United Kingdom

About Gemma

Gemma started sharing dōTERRA in February 2017 and then was introduced to the AromaTouch Technique™ in July 2019. Here is what she has to say about the AromaTouch Technique:

Why do you love the AromaTouch Technique?

I love to support people with the essential oils and bring a sense of relaxation and support to people through this amazing treatment.  I also run my own spa in Northamptonshire and find offering the AromaTouch Technique and training in this surrounding is a wonderful addition and has a great synergy with the oils.

Why would you encourage others to learn the AromaTouch Technique?

It is a wonderful way to treat both those you love with the oils and also a great treatment to add to therapy businesses.

To let Gemma know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here:

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