Patrícia Ferreira Mendes - AromaTouch Technique™ Trainer

Patrícia Ferreira Mendes - AromaTouch Trainer

Patrícia Ferreira Mendes


About Patrícia

I have been using natural products for a long time and I was looking for a credible solution in terms of health and well-being that would meet high levels of purity and, initially I started to use it on myself, on my family and more I used it, more I fell in love with products, then by the Company and by all the Lifestyle it represents. The sharing comes genuinely, due to the immense testimonies I gave of the use of the products and the transformation that it promoted in my life, long before starting the path of a Wellness Consultant. A year later I discovered the AromaTouch technique, did the training, it became a plus in my life and an extraordinary protocol to enrich the various techniques that I make available in my Integrative Medicine Clinic.

Why do you love the AromaTouch Technique?

I love the AromaTouch technique for the simplicity of its depth and assertiveness of action, promoting homeostasis in the Human Being. Simple, practical, and assertive, a blessing within reach of all and for all.

Why would you encourage others to learn the AromaTouch Technique?

Especially in the challenging moment that Humanity is going through, it enables any Being to support their family, friends, those around them, filling the Heart of those who practice it with gratitude. Being able to touch lives and transform them has become an existential purpose and gives us a huge scope in the nutrition of human relationships, so fundamental today, in addition to all the physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual support for those who give and for those who receive.

To let Patrícia know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here:   

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