Nicole Waldmeier - AromaTouch Technique™ Trainer

Nicole Waldmeier - AromaTouch Trainer

Nicole Waldmeier


About Nicole

I started sharing dōTERRA in February 2017 and was then introduced to the AromaTouch Technique™ in August. Since March 2020, I have been able to pass the technique on as a trainer.

Why do you love the AromaTouch Technique?

I find this technique so simple but incredibly effective on all levels, not just on the body. I myself work in therapy and use this application very often with my clients and simply reset the whole system to zero in order to be able to start over.

Why would you encourage others to learn the AromaTouch Technique?

It is my wish to accompany people in their own responsibility again, so that they can take care of themselves well. This technology belongs in every household to strengthen our system so that it can carry us through everyday life.

To let Nicole know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here:

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