doTERRA ble stiftet i 2008 av en gruppe mennesker med bakgrunn fra helsevesen og næringsliv og har som mål å tilby de reneste, mest potente og effektive oljene som finnes.
Gjennom vitenskapelig innovasjon og enestående kvalitetstesting tilbyr vi eteriske oljer av CPTG™-kvalitet (Certified Pure Tested Grade) og andre velværeløsninger til hele familien.
Diamonds and above are featured in our Mid-Month Newsletter. Premiers to Platinums have their names listed on our website and Diamonds and above also have their pictures posted.
Qualification Criteria
Qualify for recognition online by advancing to a new rank of Premier or above that has never been reached on your account before.
Rank advancement listings are posted online by the 25th of each month. Advancers are posted the month after they have rank advanced. In the newsletter, Diamond and above rank advancers are featured a month and a half after their advancement.
The March Mid-Month Newsletter has photos of Diamond and above rank advancers from January.
We are excited to share our brand-new rank advancement packages, available since August 2023! Take a look at the gift overview below, along with gift brochures for the ranks of Silver+ to see photos of the treasures that could soon be yours!
Qualification Criteria
New rank packages are shipped to accounts that have rank advanced from July 2023 onwards. New packages cannot be sent to any account for previous ranks achieved before July 2023.
Rank advancement gift packages usually arrive four weeks after commissions are finalised and paid. If you have not received them after six weeks, please contact:
If you rank advance in January, your package will be shipped at the end of February and you will receive your package at the beginning of March.
Silver+ certificates will be personalised with your recognition name. Names are not printed for ranks below Silver. Certificates are sent out in English only.
For Executive, Elite, and Premier, the main distributor address on the account is used. For Silver rank and above, an address request form is sent to the email address on your account. This form must be completed within the 48 hour deadline in order to receive your recognition package at the specified time. If the form is not completed within the 48 hour deadline, your recognition package will be sent the following month with the next group of shipments. Packages sent for Executive, Elite and Premier are not tracked. Packages sent for Silver and above are tracked. You will receive an email from the courier once the shipment has been arranged.
If you have not received your rank package, you can request a replacement by following the below process: