Rita Bernardino - AromaTouch Technique™ Trainer

Rita Bernardino - AromaTouch Trainer

Rita Bernardino



About Rita

I enrolled in dōTERRA in March 2017 but only start doing the business in August same year. I was introduced to AromaTouch Technique through a post and was automatically attracted to it. As a Therapist and a massage lover I couldn’t not having this training. So, I learned what I had to do to become an instructor and focus on that forward.

Why do you love the AromaTouch Technique?

I love the simplicity of the technique and the benefits that it brings. I’m a Psychologist with specialization on psycho-body therapy and been using essential oils for more than 20 years, so I already knew the benefits of the aroma and the touch on the brain and body. Discovering dōTERRA and the AromaTouch Technique was a Eureka moment for me. Teaching is in my blood so it’s impossible to know this technique and not teaching other. I love how this technique can impact people’s lives in just one day. 

Why would you encourage others to learn the AromaTouch Technique?

It’s a wonderful technique to feel balanced and empowered at the same time. Everyone should learn because we all need more balance, more being in the present moment, more touch, more love. It’s very easy to learn but very profound in the way it affects our body, our mind and our emotions. If you want to know how to use essential oils in a safe and therapeutic way you should do it. Everyone can learn and practice with family and friends or in a professional way and environment. dōTERRA changed my life so I want to help to change other people lives. 

To let Rita know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here:

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