dōTERRA Europe Recognition - Celebration Evening

Te informacje dostępne są tylko w języku angielskim.

The Celebration Party is on Friday 9th May 2025. Access to this special event is included with Convention tickets. We've combined all recognition into one fantastic evening dedicated to celebrating the key achievements of our Wellness Advocates in both 2024 and 2025. This includes Diamond Club, Founders Club, and Silver+ rank advancements.

Recognition Stage Walks

  • Diamond Club Graduates (group walk): You graduated from Diamond Club in either Spring or Autumn 2024.
  • Diamond Club Winners (individual walks): You won a Diamond Club season in either Spring or Autumn 2024.
  • Founders Club (group walk): You qualified as a Founder within Europe in 2024.
  • Silver Rank Advancers (group walk): You reached a new rank of Silver from May 2024 – March 2025.
  • Gold Rank Advancers (group walk): You reached a new rank of Gold from May 2024 – March 2025.
  • Platinum Rank Advancers (group walk): You reached a new rank of Platinum from May 2024 – March 2025.
  • Diamonds+ Rank Advancers (individual walks): You reached a new rank of Diamond or above from May 2024 – March 2025.

Please note only accounts based in Europe, Israel, or Russia will be invited to walk the stage. Accounts based outside of these markets should be recognised at their local in-market Convention and at Global Convention.

*For those who require disabled access, it will be available. Kindly identify yourself to a staff member upon your arrival at the meeting point.

Group Walks

For all stage walk details, a comprehensive email will be sent via email to qualifying individuals at least one week before the event. This communication will include the designated meeting point and time, along with confirmation of your qualification. During the stage walk, participants will joyfully parade from one side of the stage to the other – an opportunity to revel in your remarkable accomplishment alongside fellow achievers on stage and the audience.

Individual Walks

Individual walkers for Diamond+ advancers and Diamond Club winners will receive a communication from EU Recognition in February 2025, providing walking information and confirming their stage walk. The deadline for confirming the stage walk is the last day of March. This does not apply to March rank advancers, who will be contacted in April. The below information will be required, and once submitted, no further changes can be accepted. Please provide the following information:

  • The song you wish to walk to, including the artist, name of song, and a link to your chosen song.
  • The exact time you wish your song to start from.*
  • The name/names you wish to be displayed on stage during your walk.
  • The photo you wish to be displayed on stage during your walk.
  • The European country you wish to be displayed on stage during your walk.
  • The number of people walking the stage including yourself.


*Diamonds will walk for 20 seconds, Blue Diamonds will walk for 40 seconds, and Presidential Diamonds will walk for 2 minutes.

As the event approaches, you will receive details about the meeting point and time. Punctuality is crucial; if you are not present when required, you will miss the opportunity to walk at the event. Upon arrival at the meeting point, you will receive a pre-assigned number and be instructed to stand in order, marked by numbers on the floor.

If you have not qualified within the qualification period, you will not be invited to walk the stage unless you are already on the transfer list. If you think you have qualified to walk but have not heard from the EU Recognition Team, please let us know by the last day of March.

For any questions relating to recognition at the Celebration Evening, please contact eurecognition@doterra.com and ensure to include your ID number within your email.

Transferring Qualification

If you cannot attend Convention or do not want to walk the stage in the year you rank advanced, you will be offered the opportunity to walk the stage the following year. You can transfer your place twice. If you do not walk after three annual Conventions, you will be removed from our transfer list.


Trophies are available for all Silver+ advancements and Diamond Club winners. These will be handed out just before you walk the stage. Please refrain from collecting these from the Recognition Collection Point.

If you advanced to more than one rank in the qualification period, you may collect more than one trophy. If you did not collect all qualified trophies during the Celebration Evening, please visit the Recognition Collection Point the following day.

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