Charlotte Benz - AromaTouch Technique™ Trainer

Charlotte Benz - AromaTouch Trainer

Charlotte Benz

Ireland, United Kingdom

About Charlotte

I was introduced to the AromaTouch Technique and to dōTERRA in 2012 in Oahu, Hawaii. I immediately felt the benefits of the oils and technique and weeks later I was trained and giving AromaTouches as often as I could. One of the gifts of AromaTouch is as you give, so you receive. I was giving away so many AromaTouches and receiving all the incredible benefits of the powerful oils through the palms of my hands. I was astounded when my lifelong ailment of monthly menstrual pains completely eased, never to return again, ever. I have no idea which oil or oils are responsible for this gift, but I was and still am deeply grateful.

This blessing encouraged me to explore more about dōTERRA, the company and their products. As I used the oils more with great results, I soon became a sharer and educator of these ‘gifts of the Earth’.

The biggest miracle for me was when I became pregnant with my first baby; after having been told, in my twenties, that it wouldn’t be possible for me to have children without IVF. I had resigned to the thought that I would be a mother of many Siamese cats. In my thirties, however, I started to feel broody. Following the dōTERRA ‘conception’ protocol, I was pregnant and within weeks - no IVF. As I write this, I have two beautiful, healthy children and will be giving birth to my third any day now.

Why do you love the AromaTouch Technique?

The AromaTouch technique is such a special way to connect with our loved ones, friends and fellow humans. The power of touch and aroma combined is incredibly powerful physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I love meeting new people and teaching the technique, so they too can share the healing benefits with others.

Why would you encourage others to learn the AromaTouch Technique?

The AromaTouch is so easy to learn; simplistic and gentle, yet super effective. Regularly received, it can aid in one’s healing process, yet also work as a preventative of ailments; keeping us in healthy balance. Giving feels as wonderful and is as beneficial as receiving. The AromaTouch technique is the perfect healing tool that also bonds us with our spouse, our children, parents and fellow humans.

To let Charlotte know of your interest in the AromaTouch Technique, send her an email here:

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